Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bill and Terry get their 15 minutes of fame. Pretty cool.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We were pretty young when we connected we didn't take a lot of pictures. If you have any please post them. Heres a few i found.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You might not be able to read the text on this one. It's called Sea Fever by John Masefield. Several of the Ellis family know this one...and we always think of Billy.

Holding the course.

78 - With siblings (L-R) Jane, Richard, Stephen. This is Billy's notorious yellow Karmann Ghia. He carried a Porsche key fob and flaunted the fob - a real chick magnet. Hey, they're both made by Volkswagon right!

91-91 With ZZ Top. Billy was the lone Canadian on the tour - he is on the right, a couple rows from the back and you can tell it's him in the traditional Canadian uniform - a lumberjack shirt!

The 'Auntie Billy' with nieces Melissa and Jordyn in Kelowna.

words can't say how much i miss Billy
With Colin James

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A few more photos and some stories

I guess a lot of you would have sailed with Bill at some point, but how many of you knew he was a killer baker of ships bread? We sailed to Hawaii on my boat one year and a highlight of the day would be when bill would get the bread going... and he could play a mean game of crib. I was reading through the log books from the Hawaiian trip today and there is a note recording his 30 point hand coming up the home stretch to victory! The cabin boy was choked!
I could fill a book with stories and I could listen for days to your own stories about Bill, so I hope to see you all on Sunday and we can enjoy some memories!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Some sailing times I shared with Bill.
I will miss him.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'll miss the sound of Shammy's low chuckle.
The Girls will miss his visits with treats in his pockets.
Buddy the cat will miss his scritches.
He enriched all of our lives. We miss him so.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Shamrock" Nov 29th, 2009 at The Penthouse in Vancouver for "Hatman's 60th B'day
I will be there on the 11th to celebrate Billy's life. I miss him.

Friday, July 2, 2010


There will be a gathering in Bill's honour Sunday July 11 @ the Sands Hotel on Davie St. by Denman, in the Boardroom. You go in through Checkers to the back and down a flight of stairs.
It's scheduled to go from 3 - 8 or so. Please spread the word to any of Bill's friends

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Celebrating a LIfe

We're looking at Sunday, July 11 for a get together/ wake for Shamrock, probably at The Sands Hotel at Davie and Denman. We're looking for any photos, stories or memories you may have and we'd like you to share them here.